Back Office: Full support for all the documents required in the store, Full management, Recording and storing Database,Verification of prices and Labels, Logs, Payments, Attributes to the goods, POS Record and Report. In short, The Back Office Module Manages the whole system of POS Retail Software.
Front Office: In front office you can see – Drop cash amount while login to POS billing screen, Fetch products by Scan barcode or you can find by Produt Name, Product Category etc, (Credit Customer Module, POS Record, Sales Return, Product Module access in POS Screen with User Permission)
Login Screen: LOG IN SCREEN - Since we have very motivated software , it has the security system to access. Here, Authorised employees enter their PIN and their ID
Store Info:Create company master details as per your company information which includes the Information like Company Name, Mailing Name, Company Email, Postal Code, Fax Details, License Number, Multi-Currency etc.
Store Settings: System includes Terminal Settings, Email/SMS settings, Expense related Settings,TAX settings etc.
Supplier Management: Supplier Management includes New supplier creation, Supplier Payments, Supplier Ledger with periodically search report.
USER ACTIVATION: Admin can add shop employees here. List of Registered Users gives the information about Employees User Id , User Type whether it is customer, cashier, manager distributor etc.User Name, Email ID, Contact No and their status – Active Or Non-Active are the rows provides in User’s registration Form.
USER LOG DETAILS: LOGS - Admin can check the Login and Logout details of the employees.
PAYMENT ADONS: Different payment adons you can add from this module, You can choose these payment adons while billing from pos screen.
UNIT MASTER: List of Units – Admin can add product unit. i.e, kg, nos, pieces, stripes.
CATEGORY: Admin can add categories type. The product belongs to which category ,For example. Backery, Cosmetic, Electronics. etc.
PRODUCT MASTER: Product entry form-Admin can add different product.
Product Entry Form Includes :
▪ Product Code
▪ Product Name
▪ Category
▪ Description
▪ Barcode
▪ Sales Cost
▪ The manufacturing City
of the product
▪ Manufacturing Date and
Expiry date of Particular
SALESMAN MODULE: In this module you can add salesman with commission field enabled to calculate saleman commission based on his sales.
WAREHOUSE TYPE: In here you can add different types of warehouses for example Local or International etc.
WAREHOUSES: In here you can add your warehouse with name, address and few details which will easy to mention in accounting records.
Credit Customer: Admin can add the credits of the customer. Credit Customer Registration saves Customer’s information, Status, Opening Balance amount. This Information helps us to solve any query, Admin can add the credits of the customer. Credit Customer Registration saves Customer’s information, Status, Opening Balance amount. This Information helps us to solve any query.
RECEIPT ENTRY: Credit customer-Receipt entry Admin can add the details of credit and debited by the customer. When customer place order , they need to pay, Receipt Entry will save the details of payment. (Credit Customer Ledger)
Barcode Compatible.
Quick Find Items (Procudt Code, Item Name Or Barcode).
Sales Edit/Exchange.
Multple filters for Product Search.
Autometic VAT Calculation with different filters.
Credit Customer Sales(Cash/Credit both Options).
Unit Conversion from Box to PCS or PCS to BOX.
Weghing Scale Support Auto.
Multilpe Payment Support (Cash/Card/Wallet ro Both)
Item wise or Total bill discount available.
Salesman Selection for Bills/Salesman Ledger.
Send All kinds of report by email.
Split bills (Card/Cash/Customer Level).
Software Support Multi language.
Bulk Sales/Purchase rate update.
Auto notification on min order level
Purchase entry with upload supplier invoice.
Warehouse stock management.
Product expiry auto alert by SMS/Email.
Add product serial no or batch no.
Stock Adjustment Bulk.
Stock Transfer Bulk.
Barcode print on purchase.
General & Credit Cuatomer Module.
Invoice wise Supplier Payment
Invoice wise Cr.Customer Payment.
Send each invoice to customer mobile(SMS/Whatsapp).
QR Code inbuilt.
Price group customer/branch wise.
Add quotation, convert them to sales.
Notification SMS/Email/Whatsapp.
Print invoice En/Ar selection.
Product Combo Option.
Advanced Promotion Module
Sales Return Invoice / Product Level.
Overview and warehouse stock chart.
Product quantity, and expiry alerts.
Multiple Brach Support.
Gift Card, Loyalty Programe and Many more...
Top 10 Best Selling items.
Close register Report(Work Period/Staff)
Profit and Loss Report.
Dashboard to view different Branch report.
Between Dates accurate reports.
Whatsapp/Email Report.
Accurate Tax Summery.
Branch Transfer and Location Transfer.
Schemes and Discount Management.
Ledger Accounts and Different Types of Voucher Creations.
Dashboard to view different Branch report.
Sale Order, Sale Invoice.
Multi-Currency option.
Customer Points and Referral Points.
Automatic Voucher Generations on each Transaction.
Different Types of Accounting Vouchers.
Multiple Item Rates.
Customize Transaction Series.
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